07/03/1939-CC-Minutes-Regularhe City Council u-' in a regular- on the above .a :_ the minutes f the previous meetings were read and approved, members present were Tilson,, presidings he r1rst business was 08 An Hs, a a- U.Luj vwl/A&�nregard to his salary,, after listening to him for a few minutes., he was told hat his request would be considered later in the meetingo ills, after being read a motion wa$ made by Troy Stinson and see. by LeLe deNeillp that the bills amounting to 777.74 be allowed and ordered paid. )eople could beautify�lawns� flowers etc* after a disscussion on the matter i motion was made by Troy Stinson� and see by MePate that the water rate e cut for a period ending Sept�252 rate being first 2000 gals, 1.9.5 all ind W,E,Tvson asking that their salaries be raised to a hindred dollars a ,.aonth, after quiet -.a disscussion on the YJ,EE '- ,r'« w motion was ad by Troy i month, but from this date on, no raise in salary nPI be 3tinson and see by L.L.McNeillv that their salaries be raised to a 100.00 nd by ,,ity council for the next twelve months, 4*.e6r6fA4@ city* lotion carried. i i bonds, and 211b.00worth of interestwas to • ,r. paid by July the 15th, council instructing the secretary to draw 2000.00from valley View Ntle Bank and deposit it in First Ntla Bank ,Sanger to help pay both. S igned® ram`