07/17/1939-CC-Minutes-RegularF" The city council met in a called session onthe above cute, the calling of the session was the receiving of bids for oi.l to s� fter bids were opened, the bids were Mosher Steell Co-� 1,627.00 att Metal "Bo � 19C5S ®CC Fairba s� lJorse ® 1, o69.00 The Wyatt ®Metal and Boiler Works, of Dallas Texaso'was the ld bidders, same having to be approved by The Regional Directory of public Work? ldminstration, Region. k 5 The above bid of AVatt Metal & Boiler Works.was accepted by motion , bubject to approvs.l, motion made by LoL.MeNeil and sere by `Troy Sti.n.scon® Motion carried. o ®ther busia�ess, �, �ac�tion ��s made by ��4r McBaniel a,zad sec by Troy Stinson that the council ajouxn® Carried, Signed, layore Sec July-17-1959® The City Council met in a regular session on this date,members present were Troy Stin na T.T.McDaniel® J®L®FIorst® L®L.MdW%11l E®E®Pate,Msydr Wilson Prey si , the minutes of the previous meetings were read and a roved. talk was haad by Council in regard to the Tablets to be placed on"P ant, after a disscusion, a motion was made by L®L®McNeil and sec, by TOV,Mcba a'el that the city accept the proposition, and have the two Bronze Tablets put on Plant Bldg® Motion carried® waterec. bY J.L.Horstpsayingg that the city Council believes lt not best to have fights in parkp as it is damagining the grass w • flowers, and hat hhe Dept� find some other place fijor their fights and not have over two ach week. This motion carried. iext before the council was whether or not to accept the construction work one by Fairbanks� Morse Cop after reading the resolution., and exceptions, motion was made by L.L,MeNell & sec, by E*EOPate2 that the resolution be e accepted if approved by w.P,T,A. Motion carriede Resolution attached. o other business for council a motion was made by Troy Stinson and see. by Signed® MayoT°,.. Secs