08/04/1939-CC-Minutes-Regular/.thy a a e TRhe City Council yet 1,n a calleo sea5ion ban, the above d&te iGo ao Or ext'rlsOn Of time time on Oil Tanks bought f1rom V.-x�itt� MFetal end ? 'T Dallas Texas a, miotio as made by Troy Stinson, T.77.10cDaTile that the Cltyy aSk .T.,A, for En c�.tlnson of time for the dellvcr7 of taxn2cs, eBol vt n attached. v i r other c^= ttend tO � � 7 m �� �i?»?asS�L2�.�a., `�,£� al, I'ia�tT�P"4 �'S� made ��7 � � za � ��� �`��',"11 and ,wec, b . JoLoBeirat that hte meeting ������a J' s are° a r