08/21/1939-CC-Minutes-Regularhe City Council met, In r gul r s saqion on the Lbove date ,members iresent wexge� T oMcElan elf_ L. ..McNell�- J,L, orst�� v® ®Pbt g_ ay Or i].Bon prealding, the mdnutea: of the previous eeti were real and approved. 7 f 1,A, & i Q.�L"W aO tic rea 1110f the monthly Ali'L, y Lae sec ,fter being read a motion was made by T,77,MeDaniel and. 5ec.by J.L.Hor t thGt the bilis be allowed and ordered paid® This carried® ,�ir� �„ !�� 17 � � Y., 7.,., axes.after a talk on the subject, a motionwas made by L.LJMICHeill and ece by J eLefl r t, that city, COUrIell act as Equizalition Board., for The City of Sanger, meeting. J A y�W 718gMotion c .rrIece 1 0 t d� City ttor�� y for the City f E n r T :� $ Motion carried, y 'e apt that the council ajo me Carried. the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, on the proposition a motion was made by T.T.McDaniel and sec. );T Troy Stinson that J.P.Huffines be given the job at 90.00, for the au -bit nd setting- up of accounts. motion carried. �o other buin4 to attend to motion wtts made by T®7'cZaniel anci see� Sec®