09/08/1939-CC-Minutes-RegularSept ®th® 19 9. The City Council met in ar eguler session on this date members present were- J ,Horst- L.L.McNeil Troy Stinson® & E.E.Pate, Mayor Hurd presiding, the minutes of the previous meetings were reed and approved. The first business for the council to attend to was the reading of the monthly bills, after being read by secretary, a motion was made by L.L. cNeil and sec® by E®E®Pate that bills amounting to 640.92 be allowed and ordered p€ id® Doti® carried® i f'cer to have thecefe,s and cleeaning plants to stop hrowing refuse water on street e. that.the council ajourne Carried& l�rleC�.® ece L " t rom ?,T,L...0ff1ce at Ft. Worth after being opened and read by secretary bid of 26.95 from The Southwestern Brass TorkE of Fte Torth Texas,, was ccepted? this was mace possible b;( a motion made by Troy Stinson and see, x begiven them, this motion carried. the following bids listed. were received® outh estern� Brass Vorksp Fte ;forth Texas, Trriangl.e Sign CO. Chicago ailunium , Bronze Pe Press Sign one Star Brass Co. j)ailas iron Fork lllacanois, CC ® Dallas Texss- Dallas Te s �lo other business after his the council a j ou ned by a motion made by Troy tinsoar d sec bar ����orst� C�rrie;�� �i ned®