09/04/1939-CC-Minutes-RegularSept-4—th® 1959, The City Council met in ar egular session on this to members present were- ®r, Horst- TU. L. cNeil- Tray Stinsona & E. P. P ate, Mayor Hurd presiding, the minutes of the previous meetings were reed and approved® The first business for the council to attend to was the reading of the monthly bills, after being read by secretary, a motion was made by L cNeil and sec. by E®E®Pate that bills amounting to 640.92 be allowed and ordered paid® Motion cried® ity heailth officer to have thecefe.,a :.d cleeaning plants to stop hrowing refuse water on street etc, �igT�eCi® Sec® SouthwesternI opening UiLub ULI ommemorative Taolefs'. having witn them, a gentlemen, rom ?,T,L."OffiCe at Ft. Worth after being opened and read by secretary bid of 26.95 from The ccepted, this was made powssible by a motion macle b�7 Troy Stinson and see, )y J.L.Horst, that the conctract be given them, this motion carried. the following bids listed were received® Southwestern- Brass y,,orks Et® worth Teas, Triangle Sign CC® l i u , Bronze Eras one Star Brass Co. T;aila.s Truce ork Chicago lllic�r�cais, Sign CC Dallis Texas. DallaS Texas, 2 6m9� ✓ ®CC S06 000 1C5,a �T direr business after this the council a.jc ned by a emotion made by Trey Stinson d sec bar �®�,®�Irst® C�rrie�®