10/16/1939-CC-Minutes-RegularOF The City Council met f�.n this date, in areLular session, allmemmbers presents j4a7iol. Ciro siding® after the Mayor called trig r�eeir to order,the minutes of the previous meeting were reed and approved kol"LL6D Tr: r. y svas discussed,after talking over things that dhould re done e e journ, this motion carried. The city ��� cil met in � special session, on the above sate r�emb�rs ;resent were LOTc eih® "® McDaniel EeTopateTroy Stinson, Mayor 7°11son presiding, the purpose of the meeting was having a talk pith ors ® o ilia Eorc" - an, i e�ard to Lo ts�l®` Zm&4 an Black o, the City of Sanger being; interested in biWing same.,after talking on the proposition in regard to an abstract, a motion was made by D®TLa cNeil and sec® by Troy Stinson that an abstract wouls be accepted 20 years back in case of a trace® Motion carriedo Nothing else to come ber<ore the council a motion was made by L.L. cNeil and sec® by T,Ir craniel that the meeting ajourn. Carried® mayor Sec reviouS meetings were read Y approved. t this meeting we had with the council r®H®®Gieb the city,s Consulting engineer, the zirst business gas the passing oi` resoltatior�s accepting the Bronze Commemorative Tablets bought from The Southwestern Brass or s® Dt® Torth,Te ° s, neat was Mr Giebs offer /ol� trying to sell some electr°ica.i energy to The Denton County Elece Cooperative, etc® the council passing resolutions giving him authority to do so etc. Next bezore the coixicil was Mrs. Mollie Drockm iq cloaing up the trade vith councll for lots 4 in Biock 109 asking 658® b for same, council agreeirl to sing r. e she Imo ,d pay all del® faxes peno& Znt®No other business to attend to a motion by T.F.,JACDaniel that the council aj journMotion was made by J,L®Horst anc% seco��eled carries®