11/20/1939-CC-Minutes-RegularoV®02U�1u� Z!0 j.,be City Council met in arc%uIar SE5 ,Ion or, the above date members present were® ,.�s. � McDanielTroy �Oltinzcron .,.,,Pate® jt16-yor T,C.Wilso , pre id °, the 'minutes of the: �7 W;5 rfeeti.ngs vqere read and anproved,bll but the, lewv nt, orl f Chef r, ll, s, &.nd them to tie c-.cided t.o dnulte on Page #1460 The October till, s which were approved by City Council amounted to C Sg l,th.e motion being ma e that they be l,l,owed end ordered ` id was mfde by L.L.McNeli ranci seconded by Troy St.'nson. carried, The next, busines®s to attend to was rc.i. ae for V.P.Coo ,to'do- this It nece.9sary- that minutea I**me.ae. on u.14, -.3rd ® pbge # 1N III regard to raiEing ox employreez be rescil nded, to do this a. motion 6 maae by F.E.Pate and. Sec® I TJII ,=c niel that it be done -This motion carried. f°t�:r this �d been done, � mot.ion ��rs� z:dc� by ��F�or�t ��d � econd�.- oy, Fe F e P to that M. R. Coo , a saLFxy be r i ed f roe One Hundred FIve Dollars to U0.00 per month, This motioncarri€c. biter t�i�,�. motion v��s made �y EaF.®�'�te �.�7d �ecor�ded F,y ��i®Rc�I�eil the,t the Secret•s;ry-,z sal® be raieec from Cne�llllndred to Cne�Hund?red and Teri Dollars® text i-or the council to attend to was fixing a pvte for &wning Its.. .f t.er a lot oz t,aiking and figuring or same, a. motion was made bt .L. cNeill and see. Oy T.T0,,.Wcnan30Le1, that hlnluyj ch rge of 7EPt der month pluz meter rent 25 be taut into effect, Carried, o rather business to attend to a motion was made by 7 ,T .Forst snd ec:onded by EwF oFate that the council ajourn, Motion. c xri d Cd aunt (I to C 5.4-1 were &pproved by a motion made by L.L. oN6111 c secrOndded by Troy Stir born Thin motlo a c r ?.ee