12/18/1939-CC-Minutes-Regular148 Deceamber18_ 1,9b9t The City Council yet Ira ona',aovc date, members present at this meeting was, L ,Lo lcNsilla Troy Stln5an� J,L. orst� m®Te �McDanidl and r.E.Pate, M a pr T.C®Wilson, presiding, the m�;.nutes wz the previous meeting was read and approved The x irst to come berore the coy ncll, was the °ini .9ii—I C ol" the Plum. Ste with brick, after some talk on the propo,9ition, it was decided to look the job over.and ix" the street thinks besttgo ahead and extend the brick on peat to ead or street.. tr . , t d`�s scil instructed the secretary to Barite N strict Frig_ ineer J, G, o' lims, that the city would 1.11: e to construct a light at the int rs ticn l.oli r and "t,�i� strP�t, askin it" cit.17 coulld tle on to he Uil hways cotrol head. etc :yms t cams _ a 'its clt� s.nd what t se,t the I cansm at, afVter some a '_tic`'" the s eac. was Instucted to get In co."....tact with ;_eitlez iavv-, er, and csk tip to v'yrita can orcAnance., styatInt that zSkatinE ha $�O O pe j'te in thy? � t�_ 9 1 m t 901 Sv n eerp the ':� ri4nk not to be out l 'cllo5er t ian. five. hulnde,n. Ieet to E, -churcli,:or c hooI sQ sea ?d,ac 7�I rst that tic c =��l j0-arn. ° cation c.rric$ called session on Sth® street, for Highway Depts after ordinance and a rr eement were read and di cussed, a motion was made by Trod. Stinbon and sec. b %�;. gate, than, ordinsnce F, a ree ent be adopted. motion carried. embers present at this meeting were- T,DsMcDanieol, ®rate T, . tins n, car T, MA 4-11s0n, r sid' No other Olaalness to come be.f ors the coi cll a motion wea me de b, , T � C *Stinson anO sec, by T.W. cL; Miel hat the Council ajoj ins Motion carriede � c