12/22/1939-CC-Minutes-Regular18 December® 181390 The City C 'uncll .yet in, a red . a.r sessi xa ora.:above date, members present at this meeting waas, L.L. McNeill® Troy StinsonJ,L.Horst� T.7% IcDaniel and TeEoPate, day r T.C. ilsora, presiding, the m.i.nutes cx the previous meeting was read and approved. The first to came betwore the collncail, was the finiziling oi' the Plum St vtiit l brick, after some 'ilk on the aropoaition, it was decided to look the job over.and is' the street Co. is5lia) aer thinks best, o ahead and exteW the briok on west to e ad ,ot street® �e�t 4�;a�s t,��f'f➢ic ��i��t c^��°z°ea����,�era�;e z°r°°�� �i�,�� �wt® f°t,e�° aca;e t�l�� i , tne: ecuylcil instructed the secretary to write District En � ineer J?*CeR.aolli s. that the city would Ii e to constru t e. lilt at the intersection of P.oilvar a ct �bth. street, asking if° clt.y> could tie on to the TJ' gh a�/ s cotr of heap etc. 21 ii s to c s i a. the city, an why t to set the license at, after some ar 6ia ent on drop, :)sitiorl, the secs was instuc to dic to get in conctact with tlez law er, a ct c.sk ,ki'm to v�rlte zn orclinFlce, st.a.tint_' that Skkatin 1 Va donimo . bilR have a licenae fee, o.i W. fin e ch of the, u;� —t�6te in the Cit Limit, a o:i Sa�a�sr, the. tn g rin--k� not to be out .n yr t:iaza JW ; x � U t eet to, :' ales®�3. a K o. secxia� o, by J LvFol`st that the c+.x?iac.l F%aourns motion carried,, 4 i r J QQ y� r a Tile City c�ulrcil met ira a caller, session on t�lis gate, t� ss aa:, �r�iu�ce, alp e�ecjute � ar���=�,t era tzf'f`ac I�,�'s2t a.t cc�raes�` 1 Sthe street, a or Highway Dept. after ordinance and a ee ent were read. and discussed, a. motion was made by Troy Stinson and sec. bye. S�.?'tAe, that ordinance Le,,reement be adopted. Motion carriec. i tiers rp esent at this Knee ire ere i',aMcD iel� E.7.Pute° T.C.Stins n, i a y or T. C .7vilsona pr°esialaa a No other nualness to came efore the council a ot.Loa was iulcade by, Ts�C,Stln6on anti Seca by T.W. cLerniel at the Council ;j oljrnl Motion carrio a e P