02/05/1940-CC-Minutes-RegularFEBRUARY 5, 1940 FAIRBANKS MORSE COMPANY TEXAS METER AND DEVICE COMPANY CONTRACT TO SERVICE METERS AND TRANFORMERS RESOLUTION ADOPTED GIVNG MAYOR AUTHORITY TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH TEXAS METER DEVICE COMPANY e k .. 1 Sr C4,4W?j %awe sc met it red € .r >> are t Ai date, e terW pr°eseng were, Troy Stinsono® J,L,Horst@ LPL® ^ eNe'll ToWell niel end Bud Pate Mayon T,CeWilson presldin p the iminItes oi- the previous reetinj were read anc approvea. theae gentlemen in regard to their line of busl aes , Mrs Cook, of The Texas Meter and Device Co® asked for a c nctract to service Cities, eters and Tran3formpersp after explaining the conctract a motion was cue bZv L,L,McNeill, and zec® by E®E,S to a solution be adopted, to dive the jjeyor°,,authar°ity to sign cancer° ct, it'h The Texas, deter Device Co. giving t.qem 1.00 aptacepror Meters and Transformers Sev ce a This q 0tion arriecL. ext beiore the co1c,:ri ry etas: r~ cadin of the marithly biller i"der° beingd eec €Mica : - z%^ b L®L ceiii Inc.c b T®fie CDL,nielp t rat bi_112 a o,tnti-n toas be lit ed n~ ridered t ides his motion carried. ied. No atltara bu5i:gese CI motion was mctde by Tray Stineon .nd Seca by J*Le :arst, LTaat the council ajourn, binned, 7,os; a y or d2;:4 See_ a