02/19/1940-CC-Minutes-RegularFEBRUARY 19, 1940 MAIN STREET CONSTRUCTION The City Council met on ;Love c &-Le q, In &re&.nLV r mee-Un , the m Lnute& , of the .previou6 Meeting were read .a and approved. ' Members pre6eia'4, at this meetirib were® L,LMC.N61,iI`,J®LwHos'st: Troy Stingon and T.Vj.J;McDznIeI., M&,yc' r ` ..`'..T'1.5m:'on, ,,arc.sicin6 ® Tk e first t zI.e a f t,i a il tttacd. t tt sze Irf rrri tion In reg ,rdgto toppin6 mcain street.and and carring on project through W.P.A. , Mir H,B,Cieb and Mro Pattersonp of H.B.Gieb g Co.met w+ith the council as consilting engineer, after a talk on the matter Mr. Cie:b was instructed by couneil, to proceed with the getting of information in re6nrd to cost or project etc® aldermen, caused by the expiration of the terms.,of Troy Stinson and eLeHorst5 to do this an election ordinance was adopted2 by a motion made by The rdince reed, the city council met on Fed 1.ipth. a regarls.r. meeting nightp,_.for the purpose of d.o tin ,an election ordinance, for the purpose of calling and election ors tsuesd.ey, after the first onday in Apr]-1, that date being the 2n&day tpril 14C7 CALLING AN ELECTION ELECTING 2 ALDERMAN CAUSED BY THE EXPIRATION OF TERS TROY STINSON AND JL HORST APRIL 2, 1940 ELECTION JUDGE GEO O HUGHES