03/04/1940-CC-Minutes-RegularMARCH 4, 1940 SETTING DATE FOR CLEANUP INDEX SYSTEM FOR TAXES REMOVING THE PENALTY AND INTREST ON DELIQUENT TAXES T t _Glty'.Council met on the above date,ir a. re u ar meeting,, members present at this meeting avere® T.C.Stinacan, T.t.Horst® L.L.MlcNeill T.W'McDaniel E.F. ate, %eyaar T.C.Wil cn preaIL611119. The minutes of the previous Meeting was read ano approved. The first tu.siness to core before the council was the sec. reading the monthly" bill, for ap roval, after being read, a motion was made by? L.L. cNeill and sec. byTroy Stan. on, that the bills be allowed and ordered paid. This motion carried. Next business for the council was setting date for cleanup, after a talk gn the matter,e motion ways made by Troy Stinson and sec. by F.E.Pate,that we have clears up day on the lath. and i th® day of March® Carriec.® _. about'Indexn. motion was made by L.L,.VcNeill and see, by Troy Stinson, that Tnt. enalty be tkiken off :: e to pay their axese This motion carried unamiously, Signed or. The CityT Couicil t et can b ue ante, the aniczutes a f he previous meeti:ag, were reed Ana s prcaved, a eanbers aresexat were, L.L. cNeill ..,Horst, Tray Stln5on, E.F,Pate, fjaycr Frotem2 L.L.McNeill, saresidin First u for attention, was buying of Signal Light,, for Bolivar th. Sta°eet, after a t l n the price etc® e mc t .n wr s zn de byy J.L.Horst and se c® by Troy. Stinson, that the sec* buy one at best arice. This motion carried. No other business to attend to a motion was made by Tra,, stinscn rand sec. by, E..Fa te, that the council aj E'ourn, Carried. Signed.