07/19/1940-CC-Minutes-RegularJULY 19, 1940
pr aposit.ion, Vaal gmood and instructed the Fjayor and sec® to find. out what
they could about the cost and , then if they could to mike a trade with
the Santa Fe , to lease the yell for a number of" y earsc, this e-as made
possible by a motion made by L.L. cNeill and sec. by ®E®Pate, this carried.
i Io other busines .to attetad to z oti® gas made by T, g® ?eL a,niel, and sec.
by L,.L3. cNeill that the council ajourn. Carried.
3uly-l ®l =C.
The Citi Coune-31 met on this date,for the purpose of surfacing the business
streets, des g ted by a snap of The City Of Sangerj, Texas, mace by H.R.Gieb
Co, Engineers, of Dallas. Texas, after the meeting Acas called to-gether
by F or . C.11ilson, membership p of council ;ere present tieing, 7.L.Fiorstm
a.)J. cNei!l- T0<. c niel® T®C. tinson— F. F ®Pa.te, after a tale on the matter,
a motion was mEde by T.C,Stin5on, and seconded by J'.Li,Horst that a conctract
be given The Public Cor strzetion Co. of Denton. Te cas, the job of surfacing
the streets desIgnated on map, tt a price of Thirty, one Hundred dollars, the
spe i . is tions being like The Tc , s wighv y Specif catlor._Type P . 1171, in
ti ckness. This Motion arriei. unamlously.
RFo ot'rier° business to attend to at this meeting a motion vas made by L®L®M,cFeilla
ar . spec. by L. '.: ate that the cocil ajo n. otio carrged®
Corretr ret ttched. a,nd inbd by tQyor
T. C ®Fa'ilson.