07/15/1940-CC-Minutes-RegularJULY 15, 1940 SANTA FE WELL PROPOSITION MAKE A TRADE TO LEASE THE WELL The City Council met on this date , in a regular sesbion, members present were , T.C.Stinscn,® Le Horst® T. .IJcLaniel, L.L. cNeill® E,E, Pate, Mayor T.C.T ila01s, pre&id.ing. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.® The first busi"Uss tV®me before the c oil gas ab®ut the S€ nt Fe yell pr°caposition, after a talk on the matter, the c.IT3 council decided that the prop anion, eras good eras instructed the , Qyear and Qec® t find out what they could about the oust and , then if they could to make a trade with the Santa Fe , to .:Luse the well for a nunfber cif" years, this was made possible by- a motion made by L.Z. ciieill and sec. by E.E®Pate, this carried. s rather business t® attend tc r ticn uses aaaade by T, h.cL niel and sec® by L.L. cneil.l that the council ajourn. Carried. Signed® or O Per. ® _ao%P o= Moo __®® __®_®_6® the City Connell met on this date,f®r the purpose of surfacing the business trdets, designated by a map of The City Of Sanger2 Texas, made by f3.E m Gieb Co, Engineers, of Dallas, Texas, after the meeting*as called to gether° by Mayor T.C.V'Iizon, membership of council were present being, J.L.Horst® JP noel® T.C.gtibnson® E,F,Pate, after a tale on the matter, az motion taa made by T.C."tinaon., a d. seconded by J.L.Hor;Bt that a conctr•a.ct be given The Public Construction Co. of Denton, Texas, the job of surfacing the streets designated on map, tt a price of Th , r°ty ®One Hundred colla rs, the specl scat ons being like The Tc x >^. ui ghs,ay vpsca f catfon®T. t e Me 17171, In thicknesao This i'i`otion carrleamlously. o other business to attend to at this meeting a motion vas wade by T ®L.c3eilJ. a.nd Qec. by L.E.Pate that the ccacil + n. s ticra carried-® C nctract® !ttache.d an igned by a ay r° igraed. gd mayor. Sec.