11/18/1940-CC-Minutes-RegularNOVEMBER 18, 1940 The City Council met in a speu ar session can the above date members present, were, L..L CNeill J,L.H 8rst E®E®Pa.te, Mayor T®C®Wilson presidin,the ainztes pf the pevi®us eetir wereread and approved. Nothing special to core before the council, a motion was made by L.L. McNeill and sec® by E®E®pate that the meeting ajourn. Carried. :Signed g dMayor* The City Council met on the above date.members present were, LE,L, c eill E,E,Pate J&L®NCrst Troy Stinson, the minutes f the previous meeting vas read and approved. The first business to come before the c®uncil,was giving the new councilman Pcy Spratt.. the oath of office,, he having been appointed to take the place cf T® a CD&niel,he having resigned , he having moved out of Cite Limits® ll, and see, ICY Dills a ._ ; ` _ is ,i .. ` _ . , ti ' _ e. ; sE : ,, . .,` o7 that bills o 665.09 e allowed ,..1+• ordered paid, motionrhiz ? ICU MIT 770 17W.er III WIN 1111 it First Ntl Bank at Sangerp Texaso Motion carried, Newt gas a. c uestion as. t€a whether or not the city co ° oil °-e'a do ' ti x , to the fire e boys to buy them a snooker table, after a disscusi n on this s by council,, a motion was made by L.L.McNeill and see® by J®L.H rst, that the City donate Fifty Dollars to them to help buy table, however, anytime, bhat the fire boys decide to remove table from building, the City will have t® be paid back their Fifty before table can be removed Motion ca rieC, No other business to attend to,a motion was made by E,E,Pa.te and see. b E.L.MeNeill that the council ajourn. Carried. Signed °