12/02/1940-CC-Minutes-RegularDECEMBER 2, 1940 OATH OF OFFICE TRANSFER VALLEY VIEW NATIONAL BANK WATER SEWER FIRST NATIONAL BACK AT SANGER DONATION TO THE FIRE BOYS SNOOKER TABLE The City Council met on the above date,members present were, Eei® c eill® E®E.Pate J,L® Or°st Troy Stinson, the minutes of the previous meetins vas read and approved® The first business to come before the council.was giving the new councilman boy Sprattq the oath of office., he having been appointed to tyke the place of .W, cLaniel,be having resigned , he having moved out of City Ei itse Next before the c®a .cil, gas the r°eadinE by the city secretary of the monthly bills, after° being read, a motion was made by .h® cNei- , and sec, by J.L.F.orst that bills amounting to 665.09 be allowed and ordered paid, This motion carried® Nest a motion was de by h®h McNeill and sec® by E®E,Pate that sec® trarssfer a l0OOg0O fz W=The Valley Vies a EQ t® the dater° and se e it First Ntl4 Bank at Sanger, Texas® Motion carried. Next was a. question as to whether or not the city council make a donation, to the fire e boys to buy them a snooker table, after a disseusi n on this by_ council a motion was made by L.L.McNeill and sec® by J.LoKorstv that the City donate Fifty Dollars to then to help buy gable, however, anytime, that the fire bays decide to remove table from building, the City will have to be paid back their Fifty before table can be removeds Motion carries=,;' No other business to attend to,a motion was made by E,E®Pate and secs b I,.L. cNeill that,the council ajourn. Carried. igned' ,. - r®