12/06/1940-CC-Minutes-RegularDECEMBER 16, 1940 CONTRACT OFFERED BY SANATA FE WATER WELL LEASE CHRISTMANS CHARITIES UNDERPRIVILIGED CHILDREN The City uOuncil net in areg"ar session on this datep members present were® L.L. c eill® T.C. tlnson®® J.L.Horst®® Roy SPratt EAE,Pateq T.C. T ilsong presidingg the minutes pf the previous meeting was reed and approved.. ;r ease the Water wellowned by theOfSanger.,after i,sscuslng the matter, a motion was made by L.L.McNeill and sec by .E.Pate that conctract be accepted, and proper signatures ne document being held by City Of Sangerp and other sent to Rail road ity, after a talk on the proposition, s motion na see. by rvoy , b , that see. give to each of the larger Churches,, ZO I he smaller ongrgationa have one 2.00 each. and aec® by E.E.Pate that the council ajourn. Carried.. 1777 71777, mayor .C.Tzilson, presidin& The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. roy Stinson, that bills &mounting to 587e539 be allowed and ordered paid. his motion carried. et be1'or°e the cca+ancil as some correJqp ndence ir°cam T11Q Tee, deter pevice ,iv .n tie c ur cil . pr .ce n the cc rr°ecti:z ' t%e improper° cc nditicn $ n power plant paneI2 also the circuit breakers not working properly.tte prig of 155.00 for the work ern"ev rythin vcity furnishing material etc. this conctract ryas made by a motion made by LOT,.McNeill & sec. by J,"T,Hor to °gin i; " o'tion carried. red. N ext amoticn wea made that Cec® Hughes, be given job a night operator for p ri d c ' i r th at 7 ®Clt per m r h l n hip ervicea ire a.ti 'actor at plant® Carried. other buElnes a motion was made by T®Cvtinsozi secby ® L®LaCneill that thew Signed. Mayor.