12/16/1940-CC-Minutes-RegularDECEMBER 16, 1940 CONTRACT OFFERED BY SANTA FE TO LEASE THE WATER WELL XMAS CHARITIES TREE OR PARTY ease the Water wellgowned by the Santa _p to the C.Ity of er- i,sscuslng the matter., a motion was made by L.L.McNeill and sec by - conctract be accepted,, and propersignatures ne document being held, by City Of Sanger, and other sent to Rail road ompany e t € s s.s Ci rities t be liven tc un .errivili ed cizisdren ties city, after a talk on the roposition a motion gas m de by T®C®Stiason end sec by Roy Spratt, that sec® give to each of the larger Churches, ®CC each, that was having a xmas tree or partyand if any of the smaller con r stlons have one 2.00 each. aece by E.-&Fate that the council ajourn. Carried. Idd ne minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved. ray Stinson, that bills &mounting to 587,5Z. beallowed and ordered paid. his motion carried, I et before the couraci:i, was some) cr:rresr fience f'rnm Tie me Vss, deter nev,.ce C ;ivix tb.e c cil . rice, n ti?e cc rrecti.n ties 3mrsa aer cc nditi ns$ on power plant pane12 also the circuit breakers not working properlythe price of 1 5,5.00 for the work on" ev r°ythin ,city furnishing material etc. this conctract was made by a motion made by L, cNeill & sece by JaLoHorst@ carried. nest s. motion was made that Geo. Hughes, ' be give job as night aerate for riac cf' sip ar ti s, s.t Ct der mcnti s l n s iris services ire sstis ctory at ie.nt. C rried9 c other business a matioai was cede by T«C.tirlsaxa & sec.® by L®T.oJCnei.li. ti.t tine ca c .l sja arn® .r°:xie 3® w . Signed. P.Jay€ r