01/20/1941-CC-Minutes-RegularJANUARY 20, 1940 REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR 1940 PLANNING WITH THE PARK THIS YEAR The City Council met JL-n a. regular session oa the bone date, members --- present were, LPL®ijci elll ® J®L.H rst® T®C,Sti oon RoySpratt EoE.Pate2 sVI y ..(:.Wilson presiding, the minutes of the previous meeting, waS read and approved. The f lrst business to come before the council, was- an estimate made by L®L.Meneil1 as to revenuezand,-expendlturee for the year 1.940, and what he planed that the council might do during the year 1941 after a talk in regard to the matter,, a. motion ws made hy. Ray S r°att w. ana sec® by T®C. SUnson, that the city extend theirstreet Li htm'' inn sy tem_16 Light. -stanas , to churches id_ .school..., Carried mml ,nd do the planning and report back to council. too ether b sl ess to tte d to, m tio a s made by , C. ta.r son, grad. sec® ty, L.L. c; eill that the council a journa Carried® Signed® ayor® Secs M r E _ gere wC> 1 e I S sa E. mayor T.e:«.e iak +iC.:'.cc `,:Sa tie p r6 ViS. 0 U Bleetlnn ' T'a reaa- i.w4.WE _ J•'A.A..n r ' 3 t of f chr an;4 c the r ad be of the monthsv S5 of er .ter, , s, ` . s., - ' a KK x