03/03/1941-CC-Minutes-Regular March 3 1941 'The City Council met in area sr sessionp on the above date members ?resent were ®Roy Pratt® Troy Stinson Jw7L.Horst® L®L®4,cNeillq Mayor ipresidie. ,, the min-ates of the previous meeting Tas read and ipproved y i st mess was the reading of the monthly bills,, after being read y the secretary a motion was made by Troy Stinson and sece by JeL® or t that bills ountbg to 644a709 be allowed and ordered paid. phis motion carried. f`ter this Rio ot,he bps ;Hess to attend t®s a ot .oxa cas s.d.e by ®L® Horst and sec by Roy SPEattP that the meeting ajourna Carriedo° 4 C,n tLis date t e coaci ao ted an election ordinances ssrse as for the purpose of calling an election,on the first tuesday in April The adoption YTas made possible by a motion made by L®L. eNeill and. sec. by Troy Stinsony this mot? on parried® The ordinaTne reads. ORDINANCE CALLING AN ALECTION ELECTING A MAYOR AND THREE COUNCILMEN EXPIRATION OF TC WILSON, EE PATE, LL MCNEILL, AND ROY SPRATT