06-03-1940-Ordinance-Traffic Rules and Regulations - Signs and Signals-06/03/1940he City, Council met In a re ular sc,ss'Lo p.,o the above te, cpbe ree t,were �.9®z��2�°?��T��w11�� Troy- tinson�� �LJ or t�- ,F.,p t pf. Mayorxr . After the ei� was called o a$ ere the minlates of the previoao meeting welre read and approved. irst b-Qt a`ine5 to orri before the coumcis 718a the rean'Ing of the a'`E,, rj M115 z tee tC�'T'{j re6.6' by the secretcary,,U115 amo7jnting t were zllowed anc Ordered pfild.® This nar`.o' `u;:, e possible t-2- a. otlor, made y Troy, Stin,,�:�o , and zec. by— E.E. te, pt,oti n cZXr e . °tee 5ecretary gave :.&Mo ° t ,ofcash In Vtlley Vle%r U. Pardrz, the ayor insti"acted Sete � �1ze .- � ba ;1Ica in w NMI. a=n.t.ffie Bo-meBo-me C c ust " way F s3icad ' blie 1 �cN�� � end `sec. 1� 8� �'` l.e �.,.,a.'?sa ^tea,-"' - z �e ox st t��t ordinance e ad-o t�, ,�, �!, as outlined'. from DeZ%ton,, s tT°ff. i�" vj&5 Es anger, Texan, Repealinegg L11 ordinancez in conflict e e ith, coot i � ink; A SavIngClause, Fixin. Penaltiee For The Violation Hereof, and de� daring An Emerfeneye Be It ordained y The City- Council f The City of anger_ ��l �����.�� �"� �°�ff.�. i,r•�l e�R � It rmll to �1��.f�1 f'�ar tie rimier of any veu.1,c.,,Ue. to disci e� the inot aet.on v cmyT ffi i 1 Tx f faL� or Si .l, 1 Q.,; o therale directed b; e Police offfieero Traffic Control SiLrvl eende Whenever traffic t .n intert5ection is o-rQ Cautlon and Etop, .id lip htS and terms re 11 iie� to f llows� and �hall be applicabj6e to both pecleotrieii and vehicular treiffic® Green or Go tr ffic:e may proceed. b� ;elle ,. or Caution,, when shopin following the Green or � T'z°Effi f cir� the Signal shall st beforeenterling the nearest cros.stralk at, the i er� I Uorit C� Re or t Ip� Traf°fig- facins shall, befog~e entering the nearest crosswalk at, the int€rE° eetlorg or Cat such other pain as mby be dealgrwted by the City r5h ll, Stop and re t .in �tar dln tai l Green or Go iz 5hown alone. ®3 lnterrenec: with �qitc;� It ll Sign or i nfl. to � l �;��fl for any erg to ri11f'i.1y. icate�fer�a �;it: r �ffi�i1 t�°t�ff°i ��. deft Tur,s�. eta making left turns a Tr�ffie � Il �e r�itte �t itreeti ��exe i1 �t�, ar���z•1 Tr ffi. e »rent without Tmrr :_ t: � �� Police officer er �p t _i the City Limits ofSanger, is hereby authorIzed to arrest without walmrcnts any person found om itin any rovi io serf orc�in c . dinance e '@Unless any per5on arresied hereunder shall, demand to t;e taken before The Corporation Judge, of The City Of Sanger, the arreSting officer, ohall give such Person a notice to ap ar before said judge at e time and place zoecif z ed in zuch vxitlrig, and such person shell sign his or her name to a stub can s8id written notice. Upon such promise in writing by the fer&ors arre6ted to appear as aforesaid. the officer shall release him from cuBtody, but 5hould the person arreEted. refuEe to sign the stub on itten notice, then it shill be the duty of the off°ices to place such 9� �° o in custody until he c° take hi. before the Tud e� '� office zh.all tyke the number of vehicle, and the r me of arrected Ines o . before Jnd e shall be deemed guilty of a misdo armor reg&rd'loss of the disposition of the ch&rge on wb',ch he originally arre tn� and. upon conviction thereof he shall to fined ccor in ly� to the penalties herein scforth. o.1 thi z ordinance is for %r reason held unconstitutional. vuch dec ia�W'iorm shall not effect the vtlldlty of the rem6d.rdng po tlos Of the rd" riance. atlond 5L� i red. and intended for the prey .ration of the piblic pe8ce heal b and. safety of the publIcqo of gala ordirtanco, and upon c��nv ctio , shall b fined not less than Five: roll&r ,po more teen Tvwenty Five Dallarse i�;�d �blic �r �r 3 i traffic_° ir+ t zty f r,� �, i � d�c, It,�,�, d. tt�4� a coaditions, exi.st.e i in s ie� city end izi t n� lives and safety, of the pifUle.creates an emergency and public necessity that he rule that this ordir-aanco be placed on th. ee several readings.on three � seem . days b and the same iz; her ety zpuepended, and th3 L_ ordinance shall be in full force and effect af°-ter its and piAblicatilon, A;&5 t�ncS €,�,;n`v6;d on tia dv the QV Of -Trle-1040� SI gnedes o k�»,t�f'c�]3r.ta°r�e 9c^ounciL,.:l�a., ,� yard t,ay..-.tgiA.^t�°i.�,�,t:F��a, �a.-fp`t..rp^�a;�ae t.x�y-��2 A44&'.2. la £:.: Vn,L e 0.r � �. 'Ae � ,. ".2. L, ta, aJ.. ' 4, an+ 4QgjV V k 6 gydh ® 8. �� <`: 3,. $,Pjq ffi., �Z m .tj��a and Mrs V.11 Rector, as Tudges, the date of Inspection by, guns loth. and 15 tk firal. i c offered=s. 5.� for r tt _est-yd istt Pr July zze: 2.5 tear on most l Yvirrlm lst�°ize; 5o009 end, prize 2.50 the zt'ove was rude f.osE.Ible by a motion madeby, F.F��P,t.e Sec. by T.G. tfAron® Ccar]ried. No other business motion was rabde by L.L.MoNeill and sec, by J.L.For st that the meetingajou n® motion ca retied® �! 1 ~'`� SigneSee d® r � d �=