04/06/1942-CC-Minutes-RegularAPRIL 6, 1942 The City Council me in a regular session on this date, members present ere Spra.ttm JML Roy OHQrst E.E®Rate ® H.R.Shortm- T.C.Stin5on, ayor vilson, presiding. THe minutes of the previous Meeting were read and approved. first business to attend to was the secretarj reading the monthly bil after being read,a motion was made by E.EaFate and sec. by Roy S reatt that the bills amounting to 1 7!.51 be allowed and ordered paid. T®his motion, carried. Vo other business to attend to a motion was made by Roy S ratt and see. by T.C.Stinson that the coicil ajourn. Carried. Signed. Sec. Tie ity C® cil.: ,:, yet in are ul,ar sess . i, xa tcis datefmy bers res nt mere J . .first®a y Spratt H® Short E . v. Rate@Bob in , a c r @ C ailson, presiding, The minutes of the previous meet-Ing v cas read and appp roved. f'e irst business t: c®m : bez re t eF: cccil gas tie ia r a intin . E.?ate and Ray Spratt to retire from the meeting and canvgtass the election returns- after doing same they returned and reported to Mayor, and teen sae iviavor declared J.E.Horst a a -R.L,K4 ng elected. The votes was a fo?1ovrs. Pa.v.in m All - s. Rowell- 40a H after tree ia e c nss m t1 r Short, that the returns ,made by his carried..el carrie. v: s made by S aatt and sec. by FI- el ectin ie, . C.:aatf s be dcted after ta. the oath of Office was liven R. . in,bysecretary% aid. signed. sa,tir spas attached t Pale 1C 4 9 i ex t th&.t came upfor di&scUsion, gas the days for cr adates to het names n tic et'f r elcybt-,ins® after s e t- l a sa;, e® a a ;i ra gas made o Spratt and. sec, b R- bhort that a canadate must have his name on ticket five days preceding electien,off°ice CIGSing time being ffjLnjred as days. This motion carriea. o other easiness to attend tea a motion was made ITy E. E. date and sec. bey . y a rrttWt i t the c a r °i1 aj rns Car°ie1® - } i e q " bec.