04/20/1942-CC-Minutes-Regular5 The City Council :yet in a regular sessLon on this date, members present were. y 6pratt . ®J. RQrst E.E.Pate®® H. R. Short T. C b tinson, to Wilson, presiding. THe minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved* First business to attend to was the secretary reading the monthly bills after being read,a motion was :made by E.E.Pate and sec. by Roy Spratt that the bills amounting to 1271.51 be allowed and ordered paid, This motion, carried® No other business to attend to a motIon was made by hey oprat.t and see. by T®C.6tinson that tyre coicil ajaaurn® Carried* bee. The _ pity. Co cil °: iet in aregular session, on this tate, e bers present were boy- SprattH® Shor°t6 F . E. Pa2te®® bob tL ng, idayor `T. C * Filson, presldi.ng. 'The ml r tes of the previous meeting v a,s read and app rived® i The first business to come before the,, council was the Mayor appointing L .Fate and Roy, Cpratt to retire from the meeting and canvass the election returns after doing same they returned a.nd reported to Mayor, d then he Mayor declared J. . Horst and R.L.KI ng elected. The votes was as f'olloios. ,®King AA - Po weil - 40-- H port, that the returns made by election Judge, ig.G.batis be kccepted T'hi motion carried® after thls the oath of Office was given .S.King,by secretary, and sagned oath was attached to Page 1C4® Vol4. e =t that cane up for diPsscusioaa, vas the days for ca adates to get names on ticl et'i` r el¢ ti ans ® sitar° so ae tali ova sa. ep a motion was made by oy Cpratt a et aec by -:Hi * hor t that a ca.nadate must have his name on ticket five d ys preceding election,offlee closing time being fired as days® This motion carrie a. o other b',ls?i3e is to attend to a motion was £I66A'e by k.E.Pte and sec®ty y prr tt t aa.t the couzacil a.a e ur Carrie d