05/04/1942-CC-Minutes-RegularThe C.C. met in are ular ses>lon on the above date members present were H. 11ort-�- Roy SprattaJ. L. Horst ..Mayor Wilson presiding The mia sites of the previous meeting was read and approved. The first business before the coundmi was the reading of the month4r bills, after being read bythe Seer.eta.ry , a notion was made byr E.E. fate and sec by Roy Spratt that bills &mounting to 616�09 be alloveed and ordered paid, This mot_von, slking them to supply them with elect. fal energy to pull tape -I r G n, af°te talk.i ng to them on tha 7propos:",tion, the Nlay{or a :.f'+armed Mr. Burkhol der that after some information on the propo 5itlon, he would let hire know about it® eLoHo $st that, the oolancll ajourn. gn d Mayor y pr tt� ffio ort� ®,LjoAI g a,nG Mayor ToUt ikon preaddi g.. he mlnutes of the previous -meeting ting wa read and approved, operator at light plant,he haying accepted a job with a. powder plant. at Pryor Oklahoma, after the see read Ur hnt onys written resignation® a tiora ray a� bR.L.lri� and sec. by' Roy? prattt that tris resignation., be acoeot4d.. he newt business was the readinw of the moyithl-u bi.iT,sm after be�t ng read by t�� ;�s�;r�tar�'s a eiotior� ryas as by; �1���c�rs�, arrd s�abar �®���rt ghat the bills amounting to 687261, be allowed and ordered paid, This motiorl, carr? d® Wo other business to attend to, mot Corr was made b E. Eo Pata and sec. bm R