06/01/1942-CC-Minutes-RegularThe C.C. met in ar.egular ses6-log on the :above date members present were
E.E.Pat& _ R.L®King H- Shor°t�Roy &DPr ttmJ.L. iorst,uday-or° 'WIllson presiding
The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved.
The first business before tine council was the r°eadin of the monthlOj
ir billsq
after being read by the Secretary., a motion was made by E..E.Pate and seep.
by Roy raAtt the t billy oirr�t' ng 'tea 6l e09 be allowed a:�nd ordered pa�.i .
This motion , c�r�rled9
T'�e ce��cll. a"rard it�l theme zres�t, ��r°9 ��a:����aalg�e�, �zarf The �.�n�;er° min C�&
minf; them to Supply them with elects ial energy to pull the.Vr Gin,.af•ter•
taiking to them on the p ra a s.ition, the lAwyor informed Mr. Bufk older that
after some infor at H on ,on the b ro-kiosition, he would let him know about it,
oLoHorst that the council ajournrn.
�'��� city �,�;,l�n;;Qa.�_ Fa��t a�2� t��le �abC��i��', +��zt�'� ffiS'7,����'"�a g�3'•�y'�������� �`�T���'���
y pra tt� H=�DnOr T,- -MOLOAIng and V18 L��ate. wayor To us nib son prey ding,
Taae ra.A e of the r evia� aaeeting wa z read a�ncx approved.
�Derator at lien t plant,he having; accepted a jt with a powder '.ant,
t Pryor O lah nay, after the sec read IfAr hnthor s written resignation,,
motion wa za a:ade by R.L.Kira and secs by Rod, Liprattthat hi.,g resignation,
�e accepted.
newt business as the reading of the aeantktl� bills. after° being read
that the balls amousitine, to 687961, be allowed &nQ ordered paid.
'his motion, carried.
other bs ines5 tee attend to, a-mot:lon was made by E. E®ate and see. by