08/03/1942-CC-Minutes-Regular1 abovehe City Gouncilmet on date the members_ .o tea of the previous meetint, was read and approved. ionthly b.*115� after being reaa a Motion wa5 made that the accounU �mounting to 572.4Z be allowed and ordered paid, this was made pos5iible washed treet,,It having and bee if he could lie council asked that the pole end flags be bought as soon as they could e got a hold of and be erected. lie vacancy of H.R.Short he having moved from town. the council decided to ippolnt Ballard Powell in his place,, ater the vote the motion beihg made y J.L.horst & see. by E.E.Fatepgr. Powell was called up on telephone and sked if he, would accept ... reply ,- appointment, his iugust the Ist. Motion carried, " "� �,. ., , �' o � , ;,.. �1 meeting � and p,;. is ahether or not the Cityshould buy talk r. V ha he subject, , was , made x he city buy 7,500.00 h y' bond*,, r. B�Powell, served hia first session as councilman, the Mayor ounellmant .. ng T he was pleased he Oath of