04/05/1943-CC-Minutes-RegularApril 5, 1943 The City Council mejt in aregular session on this date,members pr dsent were ®® J.i,.Horot® E.,.,.P te Roy Sprs.tt-® 6.B.Powaell®H®i ®i in , Mayor Tpresiding® The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, Tl1e first business t® comae before the ec racal svas the readi of° tl e monthly bills,sfter being recta by the secretary a motion was made by ®b.roweil araa sec. by R.L.Kin6 that bills amoimting to 583.89 b allowied € nd orderer paid. This motion carried6 vo other tusiness other th ra . few thins pertainira to t -ie Welfare ®f the city namely removing cans f°roffi city trade lot,and cleanin ditches out a.nd 6r ding up the streets etc. after this a motion was aade by JaE.fiorst and sec® by Roy 6pratt that the council aj-urn, Phis carried® 6ecm T'he C.Csamet on this date me tern present werc® J.L.Horst® h.h. .te® ,mayor 6ii6on presiding. The minutes of the previous aeeta ng t=.ere read used approved® 'i' :e f .rst b siaess to eca ae bef"ore tine eeti a w ss tine cenv ssin of thl.ectb etaar as,sfter tkae Mayor appointed fs i ®I ink Jai®Ilorst to do thi v, tie report wkas reported namely. T.u.Vdlson ® ,,,,s,yor® 32 Votesm Roy bpratt C- -® 5k .h.Povell 2 fter this the Flayor declared them elected, ppointments jade by mayor w&a L' ht Com9 J.J...fiorst & S'.b.Pow 1- >, 2 iaater O`ecrar® .pate & boy SPratt I V&Zee, 0 a4 _ cret€ ry G. k .Crowson. iol Elec I ®f,. Cook e a d fire Lhief.Ijud Uentle® Fire WIarshail L®L .16'clNei1,l City ka J®E®Iteathly motiord w ,s ma.de that J Sao ® .ichardson, be paid 1.00 per month gal Jude® This' motionwas made by EaE®I a.te sec by J.E®Horst® Carrie l ext motion w; s mrkde icy h s4 .n g sec® b ®E® o well that hte meeting May o