11/01/1943-CC-Minutes-RegularNOVEMBER 1, 1943 The Cjtjy Conecil-set_in a regul4r.aeasioa on.Above dateexombers'pres' t were R.LeKiQgSprattJ-L-HorstSeBoPowell and EAF*Pate, Mayor T®Cm Wilson, .. resi 1. e pinutes of the previous meeting,was read and IF The counell had with then JeWoRard asking hhelp his do a little graveling f _ t trest, In d fi , ositi a the council decided 10 go ahead and 4:.o the graveling. IF Nast up was the reading of the nouthlybillsgafter being readq a notion was made to pay,tkobillsp gorrecting If.wroagthe account # 777 or done by Tap Woods t plI This de possible by a notion agde by SaBaPo w ell ant seconded by R.L.King. Carried.. 3®)i s ®Fz q text as notion spas de by NoWtisand sec® by JvL.Horst that the city gy* to the United .War Fund 25.009 This carried. NO other bualuess a motion was made by ReLeXing and sec® by Roy Spratt that the council ajourxmvAotiond® IF Sece FNov*115 194%Z® The City Council met in a regular session onthe above date members present were - J-L*Hors -B-Powell®® Roy Spratter® EeEePate,,with Mayor T,C.Wilswn.presiding. The moms es of the prevtous meetings were readand approved. council for awhilethen a motion was made D