01/03/1944-CC-Minutes-RegularE.B.Pate R.L.Kin&,,JeBorst Mayor Wilson presiding. The minutes of the pruious meeting were read andapproved. 61te first business to. attend was the reading, of .the montbly billFs after being read v;:a motion was read by Roy, Spratt .and,,. sec* ty R®L® ing that bills amuntingto®e E5 e9Z, be allowed and ordered pa&d This, ; of on ,carried t r,. business t -attend t ,amotion Was made byu Roy: prtt nde sec® by by ReLoKingthat the meetingjourno. Carri&de41, Mayor 1 11 secs®® J ffi®4 5rdo1944e The CMG.met in a regular session on the above date.members present were® R.L. King. & B. P®well®R® Pat or Frojem. The minutes of tree previous meeting was read and approved. t ether bus ss attend t ffiti n as made R®h in end sec® q , S® ®P® ell that the council °® nm Carried® Signed® Secs Feb " 1 4 . The CM Co it met in aregulftr session on the above date members present were¢- J.L® or t &QFste F y Spratta E.R.PowellVlayor T.C. Wilson presiding, the minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved® N ether business ether than bdiY s t a c ,f°nr stc c, s ° .i gas r .de ky prat secs t £,' ®P te,tht the caur il .a zrn® Mwr See. .:,