02/07/1944-CC-Minutes-RegularS C g The, City Council met onthisdate members prersent were Fzy- Spratt EeB.Pate &L.Ung.J.Uorst Mayor Wilson presiding. The minutes of the prffiousmapproved, The first business to. attend was the reading, of .the montIU4 bil.lsw after being read i,a motion was read ty Roy. S ratt And, sec. by R®Ls® ing that bills i to® 4m 9Z, be allowed and ordered pa d Thiszation ,carried® 419 o,ther,. busineAs to, Attend toy amotion war made b Boy, tt and sec® by by R.L» ira t the meeting Ij®urn. Ca rieda of,the previous meeting was readapproved. motionnd see. by S.S.Powell that the bills amounting to 962.58 be paid* his Mwyor ,,, Sec