03/06/1944-CC-Minutes-RegularMARCH 6, 1944 The City Council met on this date, a regular meeting night with c® coil ena J.L.Horst®, a s " .b.Fowella and R®L® ng Roy 6pratt being absent Mayor T.C.Wilson presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved® The first business was the reading of the monthly bills, after being read and discussed, a motion was made by S ®B ®pn well and sec« by .J.L. orst that bills amounting,604905.74 be allowed and ordered paid.. Carried. Next for dissension was the delinquent Taxes of J.b.fRobinson, after, the disscusio , a motion was made by ReLsKing and secaby J.,T .Ho °st, t Taxes of 1931 was to high and that they be reduced from20*22 to even 10,200 ,if he pays all Taxes,delinquenThis motion carried.® ORDINANCE CALLING THE ELECTION APRIL 4, 1944 ELECTING C COUNCILMEN JL HORST RL KING Net up for disscualon was our spring can haul,,decidingLthat Tuesday d Vie ed ® the 14 hand 15th® would be a posssibl,e good time for the haul,