04/03/1944-CC-Minutes-Regularhe City Goy c.&I yet in a regular session on the above datepmembers re e t were® JeL6 orst® R.L.Ki ® RoJSprattg® E®E..Pt S©B.Powell ®G. it on. residing. The minutes of the pre eous meeting were mead and approved. tit a za i1 met ira r r i a. sere®® $e . i , -Polip r i:® it oi e i era ® ` e minutes of the previoua meeting veils read and Etpproved.4, Mayor ennounced the election returns showed the following votes P,. . King e `ter thlB the Mayor announced that J. .Horot and R.L.King elected. ao other business to attend to motion b madby e .L.E3n and jai fined or Secs