04/17/1944-CC-Minutes-Regularr, pr The City Council met in a regular session on the above dategme bers preoent were® J.L6.torstm, R @ inn® " Spratt E®E.Pate S®E.P® elll Te Go ilson.presiding. The minutes of the pre 9 ous meeting were read and approved, first buslues6 was the reading of monthly bills after being read and, dis ussed a motion as made W .Horst and see® tay. .Fate that bills amounting to 941.83 be allowed and ordered paid. Carried. r i;nede s ssi t ls date z mbrs prs z t ere ® in rat@ S.B. Powell }"? _ or .G. ilson.pr€ aiding® the minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved.o Mayor armunced the election returns showed the following votes J.L ®Ho-rbt a 27 Votes. hft,er thizq the Mayor announced that J.L. orot and Rz LvKing elected, Ao other business to att nc to a. motion r s made by it®t k ir g a d s Co)y J.,U.H rst that, the colanalL ajourn. Carried. 6ined,