06/05/1944-CC-Minutes-Regularz Tie 19 The City Council ' et , l a regular sss000r,on he Above members present were,.® j ,l .Forst E. OPI an, Roy Spratt, Mayor T, O'TilS0n, presid:�nL., � The inisi t tes o the previous IJI meeting were read and approved* The f'st business to come before the coixicil was the reading of the monthly bills,af'ter bei�.g read, a otion. vas made by Sa,;®P ell acid sec® by R.L.laming that bills amoiziting to� 2827.02 be allowed and ordered paid. The motiorl carried. Text, busineess by tke ce ®cil era , abet things perta" link; to the good of the city,a�te�- this a mWolon �"s made by Roy Spratt and sec, by Bud Pate that the council Mourne Th) s motion carried.Ile, vveel Signed, t�. I �Il�Ile i`ayor®����������a�a��.� Sec, & _ee Relij J..�?rstr l'.C.�vas�, presldli® The minutes of the preeviolu meeting were read and approved, bill s� after beln6 reed, ra o tt10D Vras Maue Uy 1eq0&j.: &Ge hrad sec4 b. a .pint t .t bf is s o ntiag to 1625.01 s.�1�r�� sand �rd�r0�r pals a. This motion carried. �l�p�ra�atir�a� `�'�.`��s �ft�.r �i�sca�sica�, s s!�tlsrs arPw �r�=ac.s: that 'ears iii����®ha�raa��T.l. O JUO cNelll be &,,5k &i to serve car? board. Thi6 motion ws.s made b .L.Horst�an.d 6ec.by lft.eL3.Kingpthis carried. st was the vz,cffi,-lon of City° h plGayes, after b talk on this a. roticrs pay' be giver). ebctk employee. Uarr ier'. ltic other usinss a aaatdorr Wa ms(le by aL.ing )cl sec. b .F.pat t�s.t the ��a?anil, a rrr� 6igned City Of Z'-J,ger, Texas.