08/21/1944-CC-Minutes-RegularThe GIty Gou)ncll Yraet In ,�sion o t e ebove date members present w r m .L. kDrz�t�c Roy pratt .KE,.P .te The uinutes of the previous Meeting were read and approved® r d .4lot'on was evade �� oboPbweli and see. by E.E.Pate that the �iliz amountine,to 147o.16 bea.11 wed and ordereed I Tdla �# ion arrl ed' . council®C�Zl t 1 6 Athe po&sibllity of t,,ettUng new pump for well tco wm _ after k;e, tally o the matter(playsical year bx-�Ixnmz from . = `- %t 1 45 to fur t.ltim d ve the job to J. EQ dUifif es Go. of DFJ ks he having upted a Pr,ce Of 550.00 to do -lie vjorkgthlz vex done by a rjotlo made by aoy_ �Dprcatt and zece by E*E0 ate.The motIon. scar rled a teat the cou.nCII ajourn. G rrie-a. 0r�� �Vllsoa��Pre ldl.ag, The seats of the previous meeting Tas read and ipprcoved . T� rA bualneas was the lsln of water well. from Otis Jons,f'tr the Glty lease the well for a period of' five years at thirty dollars lar per year. Thin, carrte k.. x motion was t up was to buy a pump for well, after a talk on t,kl.� � cUoted at G 4 m 5G fro �brl* 6 sc® Weaver Ach. Ga. Uallazj °1 ) nkame of p : pm� The Peerlewss HIEhlIft Pump. l�o other tusiiae6z motion a 6 de by .B.Fowell qG .bry spy �prtt ,s u ar������������� sec®