09/18/1944-CC-Minutes-Regulart` 4 19440 ireguiar session on Lit, 7777, Mlowoers present he m1nutes of the previous meeting was read a:nd approved. ':Lt tisx t rdis c� t1� �t�t� �illpit�r big r e d bsecretor..,°. a motion was made byJ. .Powell and 6ec. by .L. ine; that blillo amounting to®� 1063.22 be allowed and ordered paid® lh1 �tiocrr'i d� O el1 that tbe Meeting juurna } The minutes oaf` the pr eviou meeta E, were reau na , goys e h r�lnr;�36 f i,or°tarlc� rL W�a�caa�:�on of things peratl��l t0 tile Wellare Of° tie clty WaQ J.0 � f"tera t i 2a motion Wa6 Made by EalaJopategandlaeco by Re"S ire WA the ae.Etin, ajourn. This carried. ors