09/04/1944-CC-Minutes-Regulart�i4® U.U.M t in a re ar session on this state'. members pre6ent ere®® R. « .t �� .b®po lli� E.E®Pate is or protem presiding. T'he minutes of the previous meeting was read nd appr3ved. Irst business waz the reading of the monthly bills after be -In read by seeretari, a motion was made b t�� g�� �'�a �ii and ec. by t*L-Iting that billo ti to®a 106b. 2 be aliowed and ordered id Thi motion carried. Sowell that t.he me ting jo °am u g� J.IJ.Horst d ®� a ng� r i1 r i iu The minutes of the previoud meetl1ae Were f'E gala i-po rtcaic a dl6scuzlon of thing ertri t the weliare of° the city waS Lla e n ti� �d�.s d bye®���t���:��a����by �-i,W®irb Oro