10/02/1944-CC-Minutes-RegularThe C.id®a et in rja- ar se5aion, members present rere®mE®112;-P te�- Roy sptfAt � ��:iiJ®"agorst®® AoLaMnt eLeVlr V�Liao7esLgy The minutes of the previou meeting were read and apprOvedm The mont1ly billq amoiLitq.ng to 255S. S were aallovr d d ordered pal by a motion made by� ROL.Kiag and see. by Roy bpratt. this carried. oext was a motiom made by J ® or t ana secs 'by &E—fete that a check �amt. to 12Z),U ® for ijcat � 5® 7mm8 in block 6 In the pity of Sanger be issued t Otis Jones, citya new well being on tIA6 property. G rrieck� !` ajor V�,,ilsoxap EA.ppoiaatea b-b-Fo eii to a5si t in Office Secretary` until 5. �,. Graw6o a is able to return ..4.K��ng that the council ajourn. Carried® 0Ct�16tha 94 e city council met in a re6ular session, e uero present wereJ."I.Horst .i R.L. in&� aiyor Vdlsora presidira ,the minutes of the previous meeting sere and and approved. The j-udit report 5 ba�itt d J�i'®& t 4 �® v. examined, t, grad accepts' for a3 folar year periodendirad zta 44, a motion to GO th's was arcade �y R.L.KIa6 and 5ec. by &E.Pate.Thi,q carried. motion to arjourn was made 5y JAS,Ho.rst and zec< by F.E.Patethlis carried,,' S. ed® Y� T.C. Va11son i�aa t�r� prrt were J.E.Aor t�� E.E..lat �kaatt� fe�JgK n apr sld:,1ra . The minutes of the pre ioU e tin were read and approved. Eir°QAt 5fure tta council i�,+zq to rtLd3Ara af' the month"�= t11.,.fi,r° being twat tills Ejt, to l7UteJ8� l,e allowed and ordered paid. Carried. f't r a talk by council ora thingz p rtalnln to ci.ty� a motion was made by E®E®Date and secs by Roy Spratt that the ouncii ourn. Carried. Luned. org Sep