11/06/1944-CC-Minutes-Regular( dtm ®194 the GeGeiaet In regLdar se�b iglor, Laember5 present ears®ALL or&Te�® Roy opratt, [he winutes of the previouo meeting were read and apprOved, Me montkiiy bl:il� amounting to 2bbS..08 were allowed and ordered paid by a notion made, by� ROLOKiag and aecz by Foy 6pratt.this . carried. ®E.P to that a check amt. o U1,00 for ijot ® 5� 9®� In block 6 i the city oaf' Sanger b i ued to Otis Jones, ci.tys new well being on thin property. C rrleo6 t� ,s.91 i Office ecret a tI C® b,Cr iq able to returns ®L®spa ng that the council ajourfa, Carried. Cct�lbthi94 a Voil6ort presiding. tine minutes of read and approved® rsaeet were J®®Horst the previous meeting rere fir k. four year perlocd6endln6 i�� i t�i 4 , a motion and bee. by Lo EoP to®Tg ' s carried, U mined, and accepted t do this was made ®Pste' ;his carried. ® ed T®Cs Vril��x� 6ec he (� CG- yet i a re6ul �ar 5eja iAo ie bers pre ent s ere J.L� Air t�� L� E e te�m tay Z)t,t� ® King zBeP w ll � yor "�aC�Vil on -pr° di . The minutes a the re i.DU �reeting were read and approved, �ra4) before tape counOl � z ile re dia of` nt, �, b ll , t. r �i read 1�)7 secr°etari, a motion wab aioacle Ly J®bei-lorst end ;id . by 6*L, owell that bill-9 t. to i + C.ti, be allowed amd ordered p ,d, Carried. f ter a taik by council on t inZ pertaining to city, a motion was made by -s t®t ate and sec by Roy 6 ratt that the council € o r . Carried. Aa �r�t