12/21/1944-CC-Minutes-Regularmotion at this meets WaS Made by bobapowell and sec®bsy J , j, orst®that an ordinance be adopted to regulate the but ane gas bubines6 in the city of 6anter. Garrled. � 4The council met in a cal,lec_sesaion on this date for the purpose of adopting - an ordir anuec to regulate the buta:Ln bu, mess of i s 4a tine city of banger, after a talk are the matter, a motion was m rle by 6.E.Powei, and sec by J,Lehorst that the followin oroinance be ad99ted, aittached, d�.� ^a `Ihe co;aracll, �aet in � called sessiosa,for tide our�ose of acce�ti or reJecting� the resi nation of bill aolt,af'ter the i�*or put the question before the council, a motion was made by J„j,:rlorst and sec® by that it be acceptec. Thena motion was made by J, ®Borst and sec® by Roy Lpra.tt that Uleo OtrIlcklin be appointed, in his puce,, his ca.rrieu, � x a w The U.ve met in a re-uu:lar sesuion on dais date, members present ere J s �, IIor t®� �, �.� King�� Roy 6,pratt�® E.L.Tate, Mayer T.C.: Valson iar°esidinL , The minutes of the drevious meetings were read and approved The fir6t tusVaess to come before the council was the re4;.Uln6 of montial.y bills �f"ter° beln&; read. � a Motion gas ryas made by and sece by Ttoy 6pratt that the bills be a! aog.tid and ordered Dilis amointing tp lP W,08. Ihis carried.® 114e,�,t before council was the raisosa� of the employes 6alary,-.,ftvr the talk on the .:aLtter� a motion was mane by L,.k.Fate anh sec.by j , , fors t thatail be raked lb.00 per mouth. Carried. i o other bu,5 ness to a.ttenci to a motion waS made by E.E, date FLnd see by Ra ljs K; aL that the council aJourne