12/23/1944-CC-Minutes-Specialk, motion at this maetin6 gas MaUe by b. pia Rowell ana- sec. by J,ij.horst®that an ordjikaace be adopted to regulate the but . arse gas business in the city of banter. Uarried. The council met in a calledaession qn this date for the purpose. of adopting an ordiuEtL ace to regulate the butane baaeDicaess of in the city of banger,after a talk on the matter, a motion was merge by 6.E-Powell and sec by J. - orst that the followin +orderna.;ice be adg9ted® Ettachede w The ca�:atacil seat ire a c;�lled sessiorZ, for° thc, ;auraose of acce�ti or rejecting the resignation of bill olt,af'ter° the idayor put the question before the council, a motion was made by J.-ItzHorst an sece by that it be accepted. Lien a oration was made b J. .ai�rst and sec. by Roy 6pra.tt that Gies Otr°icklin be appointed in his pilace, This carrieu. xu W 7r �® The G.+ . met in a regular session can this date, members present were J . . iorst®® R ® 9 hing_� Roy 6pra.tt� L. L. Rate, iAayor T.C. Ymilson preaiding . The minutes of t-he previous meetings were read and ap-oro ved. The first business to come before. the council was the reg()In6 of monthly tills,after being read _ a motion was was made by R,ij,Kin arms. srec® _by Roy ratt that the bills be alla ed d ordered ?aid. liis Cmmoantin tP 100.08. This carrr°ieL® 'sea.t before council vgas the raisoxi8 of the e�aatalay es 6alar°y. Lft,r �,iru talk era ti?e :naitter� a araation c�7a�s �a�r by �. �. date a�o secm �y. J®:�J®kiorst that Auil be raised 1b,00 per aaaanth. Garried. Tio othea: business to attend to motion by �. �:�. tip nb tira.t ts�aa: council aj auras. was made by E.i;.Pate and sec