01/01/1945-CC-Minutes-Regular;potion at this meetira8 vaas Made by OODO!,Owrell ana sec. C J,lj.horst®that an ordinance be adopted to regulate the buts _ ane gas bubiness in the city of ban er® Garr°ted. The council met In a callecsession qn this date for the purpose of adopting an ordinzoac e. to regulate thee butane; business of in the city of banger,after° a talk on the mattera motion was made by 6.E.Poweill anc7 sec by J.L-.Horst that the f°ollovainF orctin aice be acoOpted® attached. Od,,o3 The courci.l met iar A c�ll�:d s�ssiora, for the ��ar�ose of �cce?ti or rej ecting the res' �natlon of billloit,after° the w yor Out the question before the council, a motion was made by J.,-U. iorst and sece by tt®re in that it be accepted. Lien a motion vacs made by J ®;..Horst and sec® by Roy 6oratt that Cleo otricklin be appointed in his place, 'This carried. or 44 Taxa�a 1�19�:5� The CbG> met in a regular sestton oea this date, members present R OIJ� Kjngg� Roy 6roratt� E®E. Fate, Mayor T.C. Vinson presidlnL. The minutes of the ;previous meetin&s were read and apDroved. T'he first busix�ess to come before the cotzazcil was the reaCAia, of monthly bilis,sfter being read s Motion vvas was made by R.L.Kink n Bec® by° hoy for°:At that the bills be a�? o ed and order icy ?aid. Mils amo az M a6 tea 12W.08. This carries,.® Nei%t before council vias the raiso.g8 of the employes 6alary. ® iSter the talk on the MLtter� a. motion cvas Maclek by h. E® date anci secs by j ..G. qorst that aIil be raked lb.00 per month. Garar°ied. iJo other boslness to attend to & motion was made by E.E.Fate and sec by R,LG K 6 that the couzacil ajourn,