01/29/1945-CC-Minutes-Regulare� f�11�29�1045 % .ry he Gity Uounc.al met In ave lea on lai e colt: memter°ox eserat. 110y CDpr°att® Eshe?� 6t .Idiso res® the okject of the Meet 1aQ etr r or not too ce.,L ty t yr e 6o CYLeE °vith the se%er° :DroJ ect in the viest§= part of tovin. �Lfter a talk on the r°oPoLIAIQ"® tnEo council aecefd.ocv to turn the project over to Roil 6lpr°a,.tt Inc: iel®Pate to co whct tleEy co ci about it. r i ,n tior� of Cel>. ovc6112�fftelo a t..lk. on thi6P ak)r Ott any sec. fig, l ate, that H. D. Gooper� t�ap plr ce thi6 car-�r leo UlYla ,sl,ous!s V e �l�c�- of` tYirm �latoi��tic: a Motion T;aS Made by Roy ointeci to tale hICL a�o �.�th�r° k��ir.:��v, t•o �.tton�i to � iT�ot•ior� ���� rria��: try L®E®l��i.te �.nc� voc� �y. 0 a l,<o st Vi t the c o nc° li a:i ol.?rn® uar riec® A-111—Oath of Office —Special for School Trustees —Class 2. Clarke &Courts, HOLLB ton -Dallas -Calves ton (Constitution of Tesas, art. 1G, Sea 1 as Amended 1938.) w OATH OF OFFICE 4�I-Cr.... li(3C �X e do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of_____________________________ City- Gouncliman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- of the State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and laws of the nited States and o f this State; and 1 furthermore solemnly swear (or tt f f irm), that I have not directly nor indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public office or employment, as a reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected. So help me God." (SIGNED) _- -- - f_ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this._______°_________________day o?'.._________._____.---__-_-___-_--r9_----_ NOTl; Article' 16, of the Constitution before amendment in November 1938 was worded differently as to persons elected and those