08/06/1945-CC-Minutes-RegularTUb d1141 Uo Cdi ivL ea ftrtbulkx se661o.ryxiemLers p r6 uat cers preoiriin&-, VIE, nut Z of the prev, ous meeting were Tian: rea1i-it of the monthly bills was read &nd alascubbedgafter thib a Mation VILO Mode 116DOCOOPer aad 6cceby L-k.pate thht bill ti to i770.70 be alloved and ordered paid® This otiong carriedo _ Cit s then a motion was MLQe b6v J DIAell I rzt and sece b3 qe lr® room r that the counci1 b j oklr : � �Parri d. cc. the Git�y %Mfouncil ,yet in arr a 'long on the above date embers present were ® JeL&Horst ®� ®�r� �►®� ®: ®����a � ff �ror 411zoaj, preziding. ?ye. minutes of thae previous meeting was read and approveQ. Che first busineas to come before the council r& the reading the �ontiI4% tail ter r i � % a s , Ooper nd sec® by �teJ.brawn beat i11,� umounting to 1859062 b mellowed mad ordered paid. Thlp c rr,Ied® The remlaInLag part of the . session _ s used t"king of things that should be dont ubout con treaction of lineag also fire hazards aad-thecleaning up of the cltTs rell lots vt5t oT plant. o other busi e u motion *jab made 'by IIm L. Loo r ec® •by I. ®rst that the meeting Jo e i gaed�