11/05/1945-CC-Minutes-RegularThe G. Gm met in aregular zeB61on on the above d&te,m mbers present F r - ®�Tm �® �&° -�ni® ��'md�%3 � ffi!m '® ta�i Ak-J,V _ rn, Us-yor A O Gm;nil Son, pre kiln ® she i. ut S of the A��°eviou meeti.n read and kpi=vedm The first buzines5 to come before the ca�u cll way the reading of the monthly illa�after bale rebd motion way made by H.i).Qooper and -ec® ty �:m �®P�.te that b'IM Limounting t ®® Irs9VII be allowed and ordered paidIii a6J6 t Iloa carri Lam The next basi.nazo to attend to � 'Seittiia a value o ' Ot '� i�a old off oflot i� loc' T 6a balm south100 Ft. VV aroprt a d d b� ®IwmSprutt,a.ftier tal i Ebout the pLylng of taxes a r b rty motion rn Lade by and see. by J®�A@ orbt that viUiu b 'B;t'' at a 1GG. .' n the lot and e clh delaingE� t year to credited with the proper Lmt. orseacli orl,6inc.1 the bal 3f a 45.CQ dollar payment on the who1e tAount be Credited to delinquent 'i. Tasdii� Motion cart ri c m No other busliness to attend to amaticn ®az; made by a".hl,. ` .t' and sec. by J ® ® .,rat th&Vt the count, -1&J ourn=IGarried. c� Lie �'Jit� met 1�1 ii6,reuiulAcam on the, above date memberz ore3_.,t. vereViiVii a� or �wll�soa area)' dlni he. ainutiez of the pr viout; met t„®n' - Fare reap End bpprovel40 a X'.'Lr*at O"ti.e,a,i111 �" to tt end 2: ae :. m'«"• t,^ ' ,y""a , „Fr t ` + L« a t '" A � y a �° • Z"' motion p s �5 ...o Cops `old see. b t awe ask �.,i iI-z l � 9�t-, zi <� fat d tt� m® j ear<a m " �t_t :� Asa tit Lj Mro _ ,t tefore the c cil� t i�� a r of cik III-La��,���� out_` �"il�t 5trtet. kfte e ����c��:1�a3 0a& tU` h oua�l'& t') .�ect trAer"a c�.�.�`r:n c't �"b�, ghe �„��..1���..�.�� �..0 e�p�E` €;: to �'iti .`°� line,.. k d ilut b5t th is t ewer ties on from out .9ide of city li ®t, t. ee'.i beiz1v t4LLtr the c1t; 3m' .�e°d,er piknt &Ii! poaaF�ic� Le loi C th. new �� 41�'rthe LU�L"&QtMotion C, L,,