05/06/1946-CC-Minutes-RegularThe City Council met in a reglu' ar sea6i_on, membe-J.4 c t we C; ® . c ,)elr ®' b - . .Pat or Protem Ems.Patte a idi in s The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved, The first business to come before the aouncil was the reading of the monthly bill ter being reed bj sec® a mot -ion s e by h®Dw Coope a; d sec. by sae _ ®be that bills amounting 29 ' * 01 be allowed and ordered paido This carried. Next before the council was to get some one to assessthe cities Taxevom after the council talked on this matterthey let it up to secretary "re Aire. L.D.Ashley to do the job. The Valuation of city property as talked about, r council,, theyJeeling that the valuation should at least be assessed at p x fifty per cent pf Ralue, Also that secretary e e delinquent tax statements to citizs owies, o other business to attend s motion was made hy AeR.Beeman and e. by-H.D.Cooper that the council ajouThis c 6igaedoo Mayor Pro. -- sec .2 The clV council met on this date members present were J®D® rat ®. ®De E.E, e.te p or Wilson presiding. The minutes of the previous meeting was reed and approved, e month, bills were then read, and by a motion made by E®E.Pate and sec® A.J.Brown, the bills.were allowed and ordered paid the amount being lZ50a7f9tthe motion carried e council then talked on the b ..lding up vof the Fire Depta and the opening up of the Finzants club room, asking that the chief do some thing about this at an early date® o other business to attend to a motion was made by E.E.Pate and sec by that .J®b m that the council `o n This carried. sw ens :`' ( s