06/11/1946-CC-Minutes-SpecialThe Ci: Council t on this date in a called ssidn, ,T>D.HJr*st .Ai.D ® H®D.Cgop® .J,D a &E-pate and Mayor ls®za presl& in . The object Of the meeting was having with them a Mr. Skidmore f Denton wanting an alleyfor implement lot west of Ray Kemps place & A.J.Browns place,n ter a talk with Ur bkidmore the council asked him to contact both parties and see what he could do about same and then report back to council, h s 4z t 3 r m . a a i ;.i s,*_ N .aat b' re zr ..a Beeman, J,.L.h rst E..Pate® , D- ;ooper .G or `a1 pr s1 2.ng The minutes of the pr viouz meetings were r°e:k d fx.IC L P roe ed o The monthll. l hills viere the a r evkL ty sec:, d &fter the reaaing s 1.motion w < m e b5; !- , . `t, errasan gar&d sec, by- H. L. G o 3 pZ' tIiFz f ,o: C J `., Wit® to 1771®7 b lowed rat-ld or° .ere,',, raga ., ThI . rlv., , d t 7 L_ eq izntinh Board to be appointe&the following was appointed by council ®®Harve ll L.L. c Iiu ReLF.Ungo This board to equalize the Taxes at about 40 ®o of real value f pr9perty, He other business to attend to a motion ras made bj, E.E.Pate and sec. by *M.Beemaa that the council ourii. G ar ...fzc« _ r The G.C. net, n F a 3A , on on the .b:)ve date membera present we r w® . T,. Hirst a 11, D. Cr j r'® . Z. Pate,, T.O. Wilson pres a a tar,, The unit s of the. prrcv'iou I.ala appr aved, first business for council was the raisin of era -)icy a talk on thisp a motioa was made ty h.,Bouooper arvd ue-c. by ,T 9 i t* IItT t" r p y b raised, n r nr E as l c'r f c n 9 . .. per hour was siv 2 Rosz imiff .la. ma 's 1. 'r am .4 6 :fir ? per hour for work, and 85 cents ni gbt' Ivo ril Lt C . +.,sThis Qt : -i carried. 4e xt wa the reading of monthly bills ter bei.ag rnotioM F .¢e n ,Ne;.^ J,. rst d sicby , %.J. era that bills amounting to 39616@6e be e3aid, This carried, Other business f the cityts v5Ls t ; kcd u.?c t &era raut.i ya a. e .ds by A.J.Bro n and sec, y H.D®Coop r that the council &. o rrr Carried Sec 11 te ME.'E'ting QCa tp:i 3 Ci. tc, It';al %+: 4 tt rsc tc, tYacn the t .ra s c llc d cif , a,