09/02/1946-CC-Minutes-RegularThe City Council -met on this date members present were --o L.11ftvrst ti.J.Bra wca i'. D. aop .x.r_ : t Pr t isi L. q L.+Presiding, The minutes of the previous meeti?sG = werE r®:Gc. v 'L ru . The Torsi; business to attend to was the reading of the monthly ait?r being r>{ tyt.ry - a motion was made b- J.L.Horst ana sece h,, h.J.brown tL bIli u, t-T - 6.38 be owe ' _ s - and ordered paid. Ydot•ion c&x 4i . Other s-c ssed by , council,and alter a motion was made t H.D.C;oopzr a, sic. r;r. 8 a t.;aut the council ajou . This motion carried. vec. Sept-425-1946. The City Council met in a regular session, members present were J.L.horst-® ft.D.Cooper_ A.J.brown. business about several different thine in regard to the city was talked about. Signed. kayor Oct®6th-1946. The City Council met in 'a regular session on this date members present werea- J.L.Horst A.J.b _-H.D.Cooper A. .be E.E.Pate-- Maypr T:C.Wilson presiding. The minutes of the previous meetings were rear. and approved* The first business to attend to was the reading of the monthly bills,af°ter being read and disscussed a motion was made by Cali• Beeman and sec. by E.E.Pate that bills amounting to - 6*66 be allowed and ordered pads, exeept a bill of Jack Hollingworth work on k4aintanier. 10S !_ The Mayor and council instructed H.D. ooper to try and sell old grader no price set,just get the best price,* uld. No other business to attend to a motion was made by A.A. beef _.and sec. by E.E.Pate that the council ajourn. - - signed. or--------- Sec.---