09/23/1946-CC-Minutes-Regular1 2 1 4:= The City Gouncil-M4 on this date members present were -- A.h rat ®1 . t ovp .r,d_ 'Pro , i L. IZ. 73,,t : Presiding.. The minutes of the previous meeti w6r reQtwo,l O S,t; ruved. Tie ior t business to attend to was the reading of the monthly cr4t.-ry a motion was made by- J.:.. lorst after being rev i l,J, and see. b.. ..T Brvc:rs tL° t , i 4 ` . s38 be allowed . and ordered paid. nation carded., Other btasin, :s csti.sc ssed by , council,and alter a motion was made Y H. D. Cooper aaara `Nap. - d.. . r.3!, z t-ia V the council a' This motion carried. fir r t -- ---s-------- Sec. -- ---® - - Sept-423-1946. The City Council met in a regular session, members present were J.L.horst-- t.D.Cooper- a.%7.Bro n. .Business about several different things in regard to the city was tallied about. Sig d. or _ Uct-6th-1946. The City Council met in a regular session on this date members present were®_ J . L. Horst- AoJ . B - H* D. Cooper A. . Be - E.E.Pate-- hiaypr TXePjilson presiding. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approvede The first business to attend to was the reading of the monthly bills.after being read and disscussed a motion was made by A096 Beeman and sec. by E.E.Pate that bills amounting to -5086.66 be allowed and ordered paid, exeept a bill of Jack Hollingworth work on biaintaniero lOmS t The Mayor and council instructed H-D-Cooper to try and sell old grader no price set,just get the best prico# could. No other business to attend to a motion was made by k.A. Beeman -, and sec. by E.E.Pate that the council ajourn. Signed. or - See.